Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Drugs are cool, Josh Howard isn't

Last spring, we learned that Mavs forward Josh Howard enjoys a little of the sticky icky on occasion, and doesn't think it's a big deal. Now, I may have taken a rip or two in my time, so I'm not really in a position to hate on Howard for smoking weed. After all, if my seventh grade health class taught me anything, it's that smoking pot is cool and will make you popular. Plus, it's not as though he's the first NBA player to enjoy the fruits of mother nature.

But now Howard is making more headlines, and it isn't because he can smell colors or feel sounds. It's because he hates America. See for yourself. (Note: I haven't figured out how to embed a YouTube video. Here's the link. I'll fix this once I learn how to use a computer for something other than downloading porn.)

Seriously, Josh? Disrespecting the national anthem? Who do you think you are, Mahmoud Abdul-Rauf? For those of you who don't remember, Abdul-Rauf was a mediocre point guard for the Nuggets and Kings who was once traded for Lithuanian phenom Sarunas Marciulionis. Abdul-Rauf gained notoriety mostly for his refusal to stand during the Star-Spangled Banner because the flag was a "symbol of oppression." Or, to put it another way, Abdul-Rauf gained notoriety mostly for being a fego, another reason why he's being included in this blog.

Now, the great thing about America is that guys like Howard and Abdul-Rauf have the freedom to disrespect the country that has made them rich and famous. However, if I'm Barack Obama, I'm not jumping for joy over Josh Howard's endorsement. As if Obama doesn't have his hands full dealing with John McCain and Sarah Palin, now he has to distance himself from pot-smoking, freedom-hating hoopers. Howard can get high and write an entire dissertation about racism in America and the Wendy's dollar menu and why he's rated below this guy in NBA 2K9--just leave Obama out of it.

I have to say, I'm a little bit surprised about Howard's emergence as the NBA's newest loose cannon, liable to say whatever crazy shit pops into his weed-addled mind any time he is on camera. He should know better. I mean, he did to go Wake Forest, the same school that produce Tim Duncan, the least quotable athlete in the history of athletes and quotes.


  1. I take issue with you labeling mah boi Mahmoud as an "average" point guard. Not only is he one of the greatest Nuggets of all time, but he is also one of the greatest stuttering athletes of all time. Willis, I'd like to see you shoot FT's at a 90% while trying to say " ellis".

  2. Josh Howard, if you're reading the comments of this obscure blog, at least I know I'm free!

    Welcome, Willis. If you used your computer more for Aim than porn, you would have been notified sooner.
