Sunday, July 12, 2009

Over/Under, Volume III

Every day, attractive people of all genders, creeds and colors approach me with the same question: "Mr. Naked Warrior, sir, how do you come up with such fascinating Over/Unders?" This is usually followed by some sort of sexual proposition which, sadly, I'm forced to decline. 

The truth of it is--even I don't know. They just come to me. At work, in the shower, watching TV, swimming in the pool, whenever. I can't control it. Everybody's got a gift--Coolbaugh's smooth at trivia, Dream grows a mean dirty sanchez, even Makhtar's lightswitch is a fully-functioning Roto-Rooter--and mine happens to be Over/Unders. Lucky for all you fegos.

And, with that, we're off...
  • 17.5 - number of technical fouls by Rasheed Wallace in 2009-10. Big Sheed, he of the bald spot and insatiable love of weed, has calmed down some since his Blazer days, when he set the record for technical fouls in 1999-00 with 38, only to break that record the very next year with 40. Still, he's been in the league's top three each of the last six seasons, with a high-water mark of 27 in 2004-05. Now, he's a member of the green and gold, meaning he's the newest lieutenant in KG's Army of Intensity. It seems to me this could go one of two ways: (1) Sheed is scared straight by KG's squeezing the air of a basketball during intrasquad practice and reforms his ways; (2) KG's intensity rubs off, but it has the opposite effect, and Sheed boils over like an unwatched pot. Regardless, the Celtics could use a little shake 'n bake, and Sheed's got it in spades. OVER/UNDER?
  • 0.5 - number of high-fives for Juan Uribe after teammate Jonathan Sanchez threw a no-hitter. Sanchez, the least of the Giants' young flame-throwers, was thrust back into the rotation when Randy Johnson went on the DL for mullet withdrawal. Well, Sanchez did pretty good, throwing the first no-hitter of the 2009 season. Of course, it would've been even better, if not for the Giants shit-brick third baseman, Uribe. In the 8th inning, while working a perfect game--which would have been only the 16th of the modern era--Sanchez got Chase Headley to ground softly to third, where Uribe fumbled the ball like T-Wolf Bradley circa sophomore year. Now, I'm mostly an arm-chair third baseman, but I think Oden can confirm that this was a pretty routine play. Watch the video. HOW DOES THAT HAPPEN? Uribe, who is by all accounts a fat, moldy piece of shit, can't step up when his pitcher is five outs away from immortality and pitching in front of his father for the first time? Bravo, Juan, bravo. You just made my list of finalists for Fego of the Year. OVER/UNDER?
  • 165 - number of minutes spent in the bathroom by Joey Chestnut on the Fourth of July. Chestnut--aka "The All-American Feedbag" aka "The Human Trough"--took home his third consecutive Mustard Belt in the annual Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Contest, consuming a record 68 snausage links in ten minutes. Afterward, the Chesty said he had room for more, setting his sights firmly on the Big Seven-Oh, once thought unreachable, the holy grail of hot dog eating. However, given that JC doesn't surge-and-purge like these worthless chodes, he must log some serious toilet time dropping those 68 kids off at the pool. My question is, how much? Chestnut is a power-eater--but is he a power-pooper? It takes me a solid 35 minutes to evacuate my system after eating at Golden Corral. Hell, Butters needs an hour after meals, easy, and that's when he doesn't eat dairy. How much can the human anus even handle? Is it like that episode of South Park where Stan's dad goes toe-to-toe with Bono? Are any of Chestnut's logs roasting on the open fire that is Mr. Poop? This real-life Chest Rockwell consumed almost 21,000 calories in one sitting, so how much can he poop? (BONUS FACT: His dad's name is Merlin Chestnut. Suck on that, Tim Duncan). OVER/UNDER?
  • 9.5 - number of gay players currently on NFL rosters. This question might be considered an extension of the NBA virgins Over/Under, but really, it deserves its own discussion. Now, I don't think anyone would dispute that the NFL is generally regarded as the "manliest" of the four major sports, though this might be splitting hairs since they are all pretty fucking manly. What this manliness means, however, is potentially debatable. Yes, the game has its Travis Henrys, men who unabashedly impregnate different women in a stunning displays of virility and stupidity. At the same time, though, Queer Studies professors at liberal universities everywhere (don't worry, College of the Ozarks, I know you're good to go) have begun to speculate about the homo-erotic overtones inherent in male bonding and the locker room lifestyle, causing Makhtar to further question his sexuality as his examines the chiseled physiques of this week's Freaks. Statistically speaking, studies have shown that between 2 and 3 percent of the population admit to being openly gay, though there may be just as many who remain closeted for fear of being stigmatized. With almost 1,700 players on NFL rosters, some have to be light in the loafers (not that there's anything wrong with that). In 2007, John Amaechi became the first openly gay man to have played in the NBA, prompting Tim Hardaway to tarnish his outstanding reputation as a player by exposing himself as the black John Rocker. Methinks, despite the Hardaways of the world, an ex-NFL player isn't far from following in Amaechi's footsteps. (Note: there's actually already been one). OVER/UNDER?
  • 38.5 - combined number of times the Jonas Brothers masturbate in an average week. I'll try to keep my comments as brief as possible, but for me, there's a lot to be said here. For those you without TV, without internet, without radio, and who go grocery shopping only at co-ops and farmers markets, the Jonas Brothers are the latest sensation created by the people at Disney responsible for corrupting America's youth. They consist of three members: Nick, the "talented" one; Joe, the frontman; and Kevin, the creepy one along for the ride. Nick, the youngest, is 15, while Joe and Kevin are 19 and 21, respectively. Now, ordinarily, Trips Right Jonas wouldn't be any more interesting than other shitty boy bands like O-Town, LFO, and Frosted Tips (look for them next fall!), save for one thing:


That, my fellow fegos, is a purity ring. We won't go into the specifics because, mercifully, the good people at South Park have already done that for us, but the basic idea is that wearing one signifies that you are foregoing sex until marriage. Now, okay, this is a basic Christian value. Well and good. And, you know, fine if Triforce Jonas wants to wait, I don't really care. It's even cool with me for Disney to manipulate little kids using the purity rings (see: the episode of SP). But here's what I wonder about: if Three Sheets to the Wind Jonas really aren't having sex, how often are they beating it? Because it must be fucking often. Like, seriously, two of them are probably beating it right now. Consider that this group is among the most popular in the country amongst girls ages 14-25. Thousands upon thousands of young girls pack their concerts on a nightly basis. They are newly minted Hollywood A-listers, despite their morals, and could probably be living an Entourage lifestyle if it wasn't for those fucking purity rings. Google "Jonas Crush" and you get 1,800,000 hits (just don't tell anyone you did it). These Jesus Freaks could be knee-deep if pussy, but... Frankly, I don't care how religious you are, that shit has got to gnaw at you day in and day out. God might give you comfort, but he doesn't give hand jobs. If you assume they each beat it once a day, we're already up to 27 times per week, but why stop there? Nick is 15, still in throes of puberty and hormones, and probably beats it at least twice a day. Joe's the most popular, as far as I can tell, and probably gets the most attention from hot female celebs his age. He's gotta be good for ten sessions per week. And then, of course, there's Kevin, the wild card. At 21, he's the elder Jonai, which means he's been putting up with not putting out for the longest time. Multiply that by the fact that he's the least recognizable, the creepiest, and the fact that he's gotta know his 15 minutes are rapidly dwindling, as he's clearly holding his brothers back. It's only a matter of time until Three's Company Jonas becomes Just the Two of Us Jonas, and he knows it. If he wants to capitalize on being famous and land some pussy that is undeniable out of his league- -cough Turtle cough--it has to be NOW. And he can't. And it must be KILLING him. As I see it, he could be anywhere from 15 to 30 chokes per week, and even that might not be enough. But enough analysis. Time to decide. OVER/UNDER?

Alright, brosefs, that's it for me. I'm out like Jeff Garcia leaving the closet.

(Addendum: apologize for some weird formatting. Actually, no, I don't. Fuck you guys).


  1. 1.) Under. No way Roscoe Wallace comes within 5 of this number. The Celtics have reinvented themselves in the post 'Toine Walker Era as a character team with a heavy veteran influence. I can't wait for Sheed to start effusing about nicknames though. One can only hope he comes correct and calls Rondo "UFO" or "Phone Home".

    2.) HAHAHA. UNDER. It seems light years ago that he elicited this reaction by making the final put out of the 05 World Series. What a chode.

    3.) Over. I spent a while thinking about the physics of this portapotty derby and concluded that he must be "cut". As in his O-ring has been surgically configured to accomodate serious stool. Even with this transmogrification there's no way he didn't drop bombs for a couple hours on independence day.

    4.) Let's see. Jeff Garcia, TO (ever seen him with a chick aside from this?), Michael Strahan, Mike Singletary, Martin Grammatica, and Matt Jones (coke off dudes' asses). That's six right there and we can't forget about a handful of linemen who are rill rill cute. It's gotta be over.

    5.) I have a confession to make. I downloaded a JoBro album the other day. It was a product of reading the Rolling Stone story and because I like that catchy song about the lava. My fegocity aside it's gotta be under cuz BigBro just got engaged in July and is probably under blood pact not to blow before the honey moon, or is secretly getting under the table beejes a la American Pie. For our sake I hope he's saving his semen in an effort to recreate that ohsofamous parody scene. (Note: 3 dudes 7 times a week is 21, so maybe this number is too high)

  2. 1)Over. I am really hoping for #2, just for entertainment's sake. However, the scenario I'm most hoping for requires the Celts to resign Big Baby. Remember how he reacted when KG eviscerated him on the bench? Picture that same situation when he dogs it this year, only he has KG on one side and Sheed on the other, both screaming at him, calling him a little girl. I'm just curious to see if he pisses himself.

    2) Under. Hopefully over on kicks in the nuts that he got. On a sidenote, given how much Tim Lincecum looks like Mitch Kramer, I'm hoping he gave him the Ben Affleck treatment after the game on behalf of his fellow starter.

    3. Over. If I were Joey, I would have made sure to bring a laptop or portable DVD player in there. He probably could get through a season of the Wire or something during the complete ravaging of his GI tract.

    4. I would assume over, but part of that is based on the fact that a) NFL rosters are so huge, and b) I agree with all of those previous listed by Dream, except that I would add Jeff Reed/Guy Fieri and his frosted tips to that. Note: DO NOT google image search Jeff Reed, especially if you are in a starbucks. That was a mistake that I was not expecting.

    5. First off, Dream you are a FEGO. Secondly, while I see what you're saying about the oldest and your math on the 1-a-day, 2-a-day puts us well over the mark. Where it gets tricky, is if you assume the eldest 2 are on the 1-a-day schedule (definitely possible), but youngest is not. He could make up the difference, but frankly, I really don't want spend any more time thinking about this. In fact, I never should have in the first place. I just spent 5 minutes calculating beating-off algorithms on my calculator. That is incredibly messed up.

  3. 1) Over. To think that the celts or any team could change the essence of who someone is is ridiculous. Watch Randy complain this year. Sheed will be sheed.

    2)Over. Pathetic though, just pathetic. Of course you know he got a high five from Sanchez which was a half "You owe me so much you cost me a perfect game" never break eye contact high five and half "OMG OMG OMG OMG i just pitched a no hitter and they're not gonna send me back down" high five. Over

    3) Under. Not everyone is butters. Also, I think the vast amount of pressure that built up would just force it out along with a couple feet of intenstine. The man's innards have got to be trash though.

    4)Michael Strahan. Maurice Jones Drew. Garthia, Tony (that jessica simpson bit was a front, Bledsoe knows, he knows). It's over. Also the MJD thing has no basis, it was to piss Makhtar off.

    5) Under. I'm guessing it was over for a while, but now they're all on Manny's special estrogen diet to suppress their sex drive. Obviously they would have broken their vow or they are whaling on it every chance they get, but dope them up a little and you've got a cash cow.

  4. Wow sleazefest, you really got me with the MJD comment. I was genuinely pissed off and baffled at the same time. I'm sure he uses his size 34 piston legs to smash and dash any girl that comes his way.

    1. Over. A Roscoe does what a Roscoe do.

    2. Under. Though I suspect that the number of fist bumps to guys with lower lips full of dip is probably in the 5-6 range. Awww...Sick, sick. Noice.

    3. Badlands Booker's Third law of motion: For every action, there is an equal an opposite reaction. Meaning, if that fego chestnut is stuffing 68 hot dogs down his gullet, this must necessarily mean that said hot dogs are getting extruded at an equal rate. Think play-doh physics.

    4. Over. You guys have done a pretty good job of listing off possible Amechi's in the league. I'll see your list and raise you the Hasselbeck twins (Esp. Matt). To wit: Post-Coitus.

    5. Under. Inevitably, this type of chastity hype ends up being a huge lie. We all remember when Britney Spears said that she was saving it for marriage, turns out she got smashed from behind by a Tim Riggins wannabe when she was 14. In 10 years, I'm sure E! will have a JoBro's True Hollywood Story detailing all their Bukkake collar antics on their pitiful fans (Read: It was all a dream).

  5. 1. Under. Maybe it's just because I don't like the Celtics, but I don't see him really being his true self. I think he'll get about 10, with half of those coming because of comments he makes from the bench.

    2. Over. I bet he actually got all 25 high fives after the game. And had 25 different flavors of saliva on his hand too. I bet he was praying that ball hit to Rowand in the 9th dropped.

    3. Total number of minutes? Over. I bet he went about 8 times, so that's only about 20 minutes a pop (or poop). Hope he had something good to read. Like the dictionary.

    4. Over. It's science. Not that these players are ever going to out themselves. Poor guys, they're forced to "role play" with their "wives" the rest of their lives. Speaking of, looks like Richard Jefferson is breaking up with his fiancee. Is it because she doesn't have a penis?

    5. Under. 38.5 for three people? That's almost twice a day per brosef. I don't care who you are, that'd be pretty impressive. I guess they could do it if they got in the zone, but could they keep it up? It's like hitting .400. There will be some guys that flirt with it, but a whole season? Too tough. And do the Jonas Trifecta (Last Naked, I like your variations in "three" references) even get any time to themselves? Doubtful.
