Monday, October 13, 2008

I Can't Appropriately Comment on This

This is more Zap's cup o tea. Most striking to me was that his "trainer" sounded like a mix between Sigfried, Roy, and Diggler. And that none of his physical feats really wowed me much. They should have had him bench pressing a moose or something.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Christian who?

Since I've been wallowing in utter gluttony and boredom as of late, I've probably checked my fantasy team 20 times in the last 5 minutes, just looking to see if anyone drops Mewelde Moore for the bye week. I also came across this quiz site, where you can size up your Dream Team knowledge, decipher which Tom Hanks movie won the 94 Picture of the Year Award, or finally decide if you really were the Nintendo Super Genesis freak.

I only got eight, but that's because no one remembers the white guys. Hint: you can type in last names and it recognizes it.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Tonight on Sick Sad World

Normally I don't like to get political because, well, there are a lot of people who know a whole lot more than I do about such things. But look at the following comment on this article:

All of you east coaster elites are just jealous that she's really smart and took
on the establishment like the MAVRICK that she is.
Your scared is what it
She's awesome and super likeable and I absolutely could see HAVING A BEER
with her. What am I going to have with Obama -- sushee?? Give me a
Sarah reminds me of my Aunt Lou, who i totally identify with, a hard
wokin, no nonsense momma of 7 who "just gits er done!" without a lot of fancy
talk. And she puts her country first people, she's not just out to get elected.
She wants to "shake things up" in Washington.
Experience is overrated. I'd
rather have a Joe 6 Packer with good morals in high office than somebody who's
been old and moldy in Washington far way too long.
I think it will be fun
havin her in office, shakin things up, and gettin all the old boy network guys
off their high horses.
Look out cuz a couple of country first mavricks are
comin to town!!!!
And yeah it dont hurt that she's not too hard on the
eyes!!!!! but thats just a bonus on all of her executive experience for how she
has expertly run Wasilla and the state of Alaska.
Bottom line, she's my
Posted by: markthefig October 2, 2008 3:04 AM Report